Thin Layer Chromatographic Atlas of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Drugs : Part-I, Volume - I - 1st - New Delhi The Controller of Publications 2009 - xx, 164p.

Thin layer chromatographic (TLC) fingerprint mostly fulfills the same function and purpose as a catalogue of spectra. It is an aid to the routine identification and purity testing of drugs in manufacturing units and Ayurvedic drug control laboratories. It also helps in process comparison with the chromatogram of the "standard drug". Unknown commercial drug can be separated by comparison with the visual record in the thin layer chromatograph (TLC) atlas. TLC fingerprint is suitable for monitoring identity and purity of drugs and for detecting adulteration and substitution. With the aid of appropriate separation procedures, TLC can be used to analyze in many drug combinations and phytochemical preparations. Time required to demonstrate most of the characteristic chemical constituents of the drugs by TLC is very short.


AYUSH- Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy
Ayurvedic Drugs

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